Chonburi holds quarterly mobile-services fair


Chonburi officials made dealing with the provincial government easier for residents with a mobile-service fair in Panthong.

Gov. Khomsan Ekachai opened the quarterly outreach Dec. 18 at Bangnang Temple, which he said was organized to “bring smiles” to residents by lowering expenses and increasing convenience for those needing to do business with government agencies.

Gov. Khomsan Ekachai (center) and local officials hand out scholarships to deserving students.Gov. Khomsan Ekachai (center) and local officials hand out scholarships to deserving students.

Services available at the temple included registration of birth certificates, houses, land and cars; utility payments, career counseling, acceptance of complaints relating to labor, public services and pensions, and education on HM the King’s “sufficiency economy” philosophy.

Locally made merchandise was also available for sale, as well as discounted products from major manufacturers. Parents could also use the fair to register children for scholarships.

In addition, Khomsan and his lieutenants organized a meeting with village heads and other government leaders to listen to problems and help solve them.