Chonburi Provincial Health Office Announcement No. 43


Subject: Emergency measures to prevent the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19

As detecting migrant workers infected with COVID-19 at Department of Employment in Chonburi, Chonburi Provincial Public Health Office and Muang Chonburi District Public Health Office conducted disease investigation based on the contract tracing approach and offered active case finding to identify infected persons to the maximum and ask those to do a self-quarantine to prevent the spread of the virus.

The Chonburi Provincial Public Health Office would like to announce to the public that if any individuals had visited the Department of Employment in Chonburi and shops in front of the premise and Chonburi Administration Office from 4 January 2021 onward, please proceed to receive COVID-19 testing at nearby facilities. The Department of Employment in Chonburi will be closed from today onwards until further notice.

The Chonburi Provincial Public Health Office emphasizes that all public diligently comply with the measures set by the Ministry of Public Health, keep social distancing, wear face masks at all times, hand washing regularly, use Thai Chana APP to prevent the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 and effectively conduct contact tracing of those come in contact with COVID-19.

Hereby announced to the public,

Announced on 21 January B.E. 2564 (2021)

(Mr. Aphirat Katunyutanont)
Director of Chonburi Provincial Public Health Office