Citizens demand safe pedestrian walkways at Walking Street entrance

Motorbikes park on the walkways, leaving pedestrians with no option but to navigate the road, especially during the bustling evening hours, raising substantial safety concerns.

Pattaya, Thailand – Concerned residents and visitors are demanding immediate improvements to the beachside walkway at the entrance to Walking Street in South Pattaya. This renowned tourist attraction, famous for its vibrant nightlife and bustling ambiance, is currently grappling with a significant safety hazard due to the absence of a suitable pedestrian walkway.

The deteriorating condition of the beachside walkway has long been a cause for concern among both residents and tourists. At present, this space is primarily used for motorcycle parking, leaving pedestrians with no option but to navigate the road, especially during the bustling evening hours, raising substantial safety concerns.

The local community is optimistic that their concerns will be taken seriously, prompting immediate measures to rectify this safety hazard. They emphasize the paramount importance of providing a safe and convenient walkway for both tourists and residents.

The walkways at the entrance of Walking Street are like an obstacle course and can be extremely dangerous to life and limb.
