City boosts swimmer safety at Koh Larn beach


Pattaya officials plan to cordon off a larger section of Koh Larn’s Had Tawaen Beach and install speed-limit signs as boat captains and jet skiers continue to ignore buoys put in place to keep swimmers safe.

At a Sept. 6 Pattaya City Hall meeting, Deputy Mayor Ronakit Ekasingh said boat drivers apparently don’t understand or don’t care about the international red-and-white buoys demarking low-speed transit lanes in and out of the popular beach and that the Marine Police will install signs explicating telling them to slow down.

Deputy Mayor Ronakit Ekasingh says flagrant disregard by watercraft operators of city safety measures has prompted numerous accidents and complaints. Deputy Mayor Ronakit Ekasingh says flagrant disregard by watercraft operators of city safety measures has prompted numerous accidents and complaints.

And, to prevent boats and jet skis from circumventing the transit lanes to pull up to the beach, the full 350-meter width of Had Tawaen will be roped off with orange buoys that surround the beach’s swimming area, he said.

He said flagrant disregard by watercraft operators of city safety measures has prompted numerous accidents and complaints. Thus, he said, the city needs to crack down even further on them to keep swimmers safe. The swimming area, he added, will now extend 225 meters from shore and jet ski and boat landings will be pushed 50 meters from the swimming area.