City clears Naklua’s Nok Yang canal


City workers cleared natural and made-made obstructions from Naklua’s Nok Yang Canal, helping mitigate flooding during rainy season.

A team comprised of workers from the city Sanitation, Engineering, Drainage System and Water Quality departments arrived at the Sukhumvit Soi 21 canal July 17 with a backhoe to scrape out the hyacinth that had overgrown the waterway and had become fully blocked by garbage.

The canal is one of Pattaya’s many natural waterways to catch storm runoff and carry it to the sea.

Staffers worked three days on the canal, clearing two kilometers of waterway from Soi A-lao Sian to the Toyota center. In some cases, workers jumped into the waterway themselves to clear areas the backhoe couldn’t reach.

City workers use a backhoe to clear hyacinth out of the Nang Yang canal in Naklua.City workers use a backhoe to clear hyacinth out of the Nang Yang canal in Naklua.

Not all the canal was cleared, as the soi narrowed too much to allow the large trucks to enter, but officials said the work should be completed in a couple weeks.