City clears water drains to prepare for Songkran


Pattaya Engineering Department workers cleared storm drains along Second Road to prepare for the deluge of water and powder about to hit the city for Songkran.

Sanitation Office Director Ampol Saengsawang led about 10 workers with pumps and cleaning equipment on the streets April 3, replacing drain covers and unclogging pipes along three kilometers of Second Road.

Pattaya Engineering Department workers clear storm drains along Second Road. Pattaya Engineering Department workers clear storm drains along Second Road.

Besides natural blockages, plenty of garbage and cooking fat dumped in the drains by people were sucked out.

Ampol said some unclogging work is done monthly, although even moderate rain storms still back up the system. However, he implored residents to not use the city’s overtaxed drainage system as a garbage dump.

Sanitation Office Director Ampol Saengsawang implores residents to not use the city’s overtaxed drainage system as a garbage dump. Sanitation Office Director Ampol Saengsawang implores residents to not use the city’s overtaxed drainage system as a garbage dump.