City engineers will eventually fix nagging problems around town


The Pattaya City fountain on Beach Road near Soi 7 used to be a symbol of pride. It’s now the shoreline’s biggest trashcan.

The landmark seemingly is being ignored by city workers, who appear not to care that a beachfront garbage dump damages the city’s image. Likewise, residents and passersby are showing their disrespect for others and disregard for the city by throwing trash into the once striking waterworks.

The city’s fountain on the beach promenade will remain dry for another couple months until engineers have a chance to fix it.The city’s fountain on the beach promenade will remain dry for another couple months until engineers have a chance to fix it.

Phuangphaka Sithichai, Pattaya’s public parks superintendant, said the city hasn’t had the money to repair pipes after car collisions damaged them. However, the recently announced 150 million baht beach beautification project will include a fountain upgrade, she said.

However, Phuangphaka added, since work is not slated to begin for at least two months, tourists and residents should take care not to litter and continue dumping garbage in the fountain.

Phuangphaka said the beautification project will also address the problem of bolts from old power poles still protruding from the sidewalk.

Poles were removed in the last beautification project about six years ago, she explained. However, their base and bolts were not taken out. They will be this time, she promised.