A food delivery biker was injured after a city sanitation truck struck his bike on the railway parallel road near Wat Thamsamakkhi temple in South Pattaya on June 2. Paramedics and police arrived at the scene to find Tanapon Saeku, a 20-year-old food delivery rider sprawled on the road in a semi-conscious state with visible facial injuries. Bystanders stood over him providing shade from a vinyl advertising sign. His damaged black and green Honda Scoopy motorcycle was nearby.
About 100 meters away, a 6-wheel truck from the Municipal Public Health and Environmental Office of Pattaya City was parked with its windshield shattered. The rescue team from the Sawang Boriboon Thammasathan provided preliminary first aid before transporting the injured person to Pattaya City Hospital.
Seksan Bandaitong, a Pattaya City employee riding in the 6-wheel truck, stated that after they had finished collecting waste material, they were on their way to dispose of it. However, when they arrived at the accident scene, Tanapon, the food delivery rider, unexpectedly emerged from a side street while looking down at his mobile phone, failing to pay attention to oncoming traffic. The truck was unable to stop in time, resulting in the collision.
Nongprue police documented the scene and took photographs as evidence. They then proceeded to review the surveillance camera footage in the area. The truck driver was brought in for questioning. Once Tanapon recovers from his injuries, he will also be summoned for further investigation to determine the cause of the accident.