Closed Pattaya disco gutted by fire

Fire destroyed the Soi Sunee Plaza Laser Pub in Soi Yensabai

Fire destroyed the Laser Pub, a Thai-oriented Pattaya club in Soi Yensabai closed since March.

Firefighters from six trucks battled the late morning Nov. 3 blaze for about an hour before getting the fire under control. No one was injured but damage was estimated at 6 million baht.

Owner Atitaya Atachi, 35, said there was no power or water going to the building, removing the usual excuse for a mysterious blaze.

She said crews had been inside the South Pattaya disco every day to prepare for an eventual reopening. The fire is the second blaze to destroy a closed Pattaya club in the past two months.

Owner Atitaya Atachi said the place was closed and there was no power or water going to the building.

Crews had been inside the bar, preparing it for an eventual reopening.