Collapsed drain covers extremely hazardous to Pattaya motorists

Cars and motorbikes drive past the collapsed concrete drain covers along Chaiyapornwithi Road opposite the Wat Nongprue temple which were destroyed by cars and trucks running over them.

Residents living in the area opposite Wat Nongprue temple in Chaiyapornwithi Road complained to the city authorities that the drain covers along the road had collapsed, and have become extremely hazardous to motorists especially motorbike drivers passing by.

They said that the destruction was caused by motorists who come down the flyover bridge; make a U-turn at that spot, treading heavily over the supposedly tough concrete slabs, weakening them until they finally collapse.

They asked the city authorities to make urgent repairs before a serious accident occurred which could cause serious injury or death.

The area where cars come down the flyover bridge to make their U-turns opposite the Wat Nongprue running over the concrete drain covers in the process.