Construction pain worth flood-prevention gain for Naklua Soi 18 residents


Naklua residents living near the Loma Resort & Spa are putting up with construction hassles now to enjoy a flood-free rainy season later.

Naklua Soi 18 and connections to sois 18/1 and 18/2 are torn up as crews replace small, frequently blocked drainage pipes with sewers four times their width. A new concrete and steel road will be built atop the new pipelines.

The size difference between the old pipe (left) and the new pipe, which is at least 4-times larger.The size difference between the old pipe (left) and the new pipe, which is at least 4-times larger.

Backhoe operator Pakorn Sreenork said construction has been going on for more than a month with completion set for within six months.

The 5.6 million baht project, thus, won’t provide much relief for this year’s rainy season, but Sanitation Engineering Department officials say future seasons will be much drier for community residents.

The problem has been that the smaller pipes were often blocked by sand and debris washed into sewers. The wide pipeline will be able to carry much more water away from the neighborhood, preventing flooding that has been common after heavy rain.

Finnish resident Angela Gloria was upset with the construction until learning that the new pipelines probably means the end of flooding worries. She said that, in the past, water has been as deep as 50 centimeters on Naklua Soi 18.