Dog caretaker becomes crime victim after burglar tries to steal charity donations


A Plutaluang man who gained notoriety for caring for more than 30 dogs nearly became the victim of a thief who broke into his house to steal cash and dog food donated by the community.

Sawang Poltamai, 59, reported the theft attempt Feb. 23 at his Sukhumvit Soi 109 home. Nothing was taken because the cash had already been deposited at a bank and at least two of the dogs attacked the burglar.

Bigda, a 10-month-old Thai-breed dog, suffered two cuts from the burglar’s knife requiring 10 stitches to close. Another 1-year-old dog had abrasions on the neck.

Sawang gained fame when he was spotted riding a bicycle on Sukhumvit Road towing a five-meter-long wooden trailer on which sits Nasan, a 5-month-old poodle wearing a hat, behind a fake steering wheel.

Bigda, a 10-month-old Thai-breed dog, suffered two cuts from the burglar’s knife requiring 10 stitches to close.Bigda, a 10-month-old Thai-breed dog, suffered two cuts from the burglar’s knife requiring 10 stitches to close.

Sawang said he used to drive a trailer, but his work hours were uncertain, which resulted in his dogs going hungry from time to time as he came home late. He finally quit to become a freelance gardener so he has more time to tend to his 32 dogs.

The cost, however, is prohibitive, forcing him to beg for dog food.

When his story broke in the media, people came out to support him, donating cash, food and their services to build dog shelters.

Media reports about this charity windfall apparently inspired a thief who ended up biting off more than he could chew.