Poj Worakaew, 49, from Banpotpisai, Nakhon Sawan, has been arrested and charged with murder of his close friend and drinking buddy, Kumpu Senglert, 50.
Kumpu was found dead in his sleeping quarters on Soi Wattungpong in Plutaluang on the morning of Aug. 5.
Poj confessed to the murder and told police it took place at 8pm the previous evening.
He said that the two men were best of friends, but when they got drunk on strong Thai whisky, Kumpu allegedly insulted Poj’s parents. Poj said he became so incensed by the insult, he grabbed a heavy shovel and hit his best friend on the head. The blow landed on the deceased’s temple, killing him almost instantly.
When Poj realized what he had done, he escaped by tour bus to hide with his wife at home in Nakhon Sawan.
He was quickly found at the bus terminal and brought back to reenact the crime on Aug. 6.