Drunk Russian knocked out after KO’ing bar sound system


A drunk Russian who shorted out the sound system at a Second Road beer bar over the selection of music played got a severe beat-down from the beer bar’s security staff and band.

Aleksei Skidin, 42, suffered a cracked skull, cuts and bruises in the early-morning Feb. 7 brawl at Jeffy Bar 2. He was treated and released from Pattaya Memorial Hospital.

Russian Aleksei Skidin was battered and bruised after throwing water on a bar’s sound system because he didn’t like the music.Russian Aleksei Skidin was battered and bruised after throwing water on a bar’s sound system because he didn’t like the music.

Witnesses said Skidin was drinking from midnight to 3 a.m. and, while drunk, threw water on the sound system because he didn’t like the music being played.

The musicians and bouncers unsurprisingly were displeased and set upon him in the typical pack, hitting, bludgeoning and kicking him into unconsciousness. The attackers then fled the scene.

Police acknowledged that while the Russian’s vandalism precipitated the fight, the bar staff overreacted and will be tracked down and prosecuted for assault.