Drunk U.S. sailor arrested after toilet-breaking tirade


A drunk U.S. Navy sailor was arrested after allegedly destroying four public toilets while claiming police stole his $5,000.

Jeffrey Allen Roggemann Jr. was taken into custody around 9 p.m. June 11 at an outdoor market opposite the Grand Sole Hotel on Second Road. Police said he resisted arrested and tried to escape, but got tangled up in his handcuffs, tearing his pants.

At Pattaya Police Station, the sailor continued to scream that police had taken $5,000 from his pants pocket. Searching him, police found a U.S. Navy identification card. The discovery surprised officers as active-duty military rarely misbehave to the point of police intervention these days.

Roggemann refused to speak with police, so U.S. Navy personnel were called to deal with drunk and derelict sailor and arrange compensation for the property damage.