East Pattaya residents worry about waste factory expansion

Jaran Prakobtham, Mayor of Takientia Minucipality speaks to the locals who had gathered to express their views regarding the expansion of the waste recycling plant in their community.

Takhiantiaresidents expressed fears of environmental contamination if a local factory is allowed to expand.

About 100 locals attended a Feb. 18 public hearing in Nawang village scheduled by Mayor Jaran Prakobthamto discuss plans by BoonUdom Recycling in neighboring Bueng subdistrict, Sriracha District to expand their operations. The factory is a non-hazardous waste or unusable materials separation plant.

But the area falls under the jurisdiction of Takhiantia, not Sriracha. In the past, Sriracha has unlawfully issued building permits for industrial plants in that area because even district bureaucrats were confused who was responsible for Bueng.

So Jaran called a hearing on the application to expand the plant and advised Sriracha that the subdistrict had jurisdiction.

Residents said they feared a larger factory footprint would contaminate land and water in the area and insisted that no permit should be issued until it can be shown the factory won’t cause more environmental damage.