Education can keep people out of sex trade, seminar told

Education and recreational activities were suggested at a seminar in Pattaya as ways to prevent people from entering the sex trade.
Education and recreational activities were suggested at a seminar in Pattaya as ways to prevent people from entering the sex trade.

PATTAYA – Education and recreational activities were suggested at a seminar in Pattaya as ways to prevent people from entering the sex trade.

City spokesman Pinit Maneerat opened the June 21-22 workshop at the Prima Villa hotel that featured speakers from the Department of Women’s Affairs and Family Institutions, and Ministry of Human Security and Development.

Lecturers pointed out that Pattaya, as a major tourism destination, is a hotbed of spas, massage parlors and bars. With their rise has been an increased in prostitution and human trafficking.

People enter the sex trade due to financial problems, the lecturers pointed out, but many people don’t consider the downsides.

Nurse Anya Chantarakat said a major aspect often overlooked is disease, including AIDS.

Many organizations are trying to inform people of the risks of prostitution, but said the cure to keeping people out of the trade is more education and providing alternative diversions.

Experts were available at the seminar to speak to all attendees and provide advice while urging organizations to help prevent prostitution by working together and eventually solving the sex trade issue.