EEC bill to boost confidence of prospective investors


BANGKOK – Industry Minister Uttama Savanayana was positive legislation on the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) project will boost the confidence of prospective investors.

The industry minister presided over a seminar on the EEC project held by the Ministry of Industry and Matichon Co. during which he made remarks on the project.

He said the EEC project will help push forward the country’s development by improving existing industries such as agriculture and automobile, while the Thailand 4.0 development goal will help maintain development balance of the country.

The Ministry of Industry will discuss the bill with government whips on 25 September so that it will be submitted to the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) on 28 September and be turned into law by the end of this year, boosting the confidence among investors.

The Industry Ministry also plans to promote human resources for new careers. The Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Education will shortly hold a field trip to the EEC sites in order to determine vocational education programs in support of prospective investments.