Egrets bring bird watchers to Naklua Bridge


A flock of egrets that have made the Naklua bridge area their temporary home is delighting residents and bird watchers alike.

Residents said it was a rare sight to see the dozens of birds there and bird watchers took advantage of the opportunity to watch their behavior and routine. Pure white with long necks and beaks, the egrets use their long beaks to catch small fish, crab, shrimp and other sea creatures.

Egrets’ images reflect in the calm waters near Naklua Bridge. Egrets’ images reflect in the calm waters near Naklua Bridge.

Nil Sukrad, a nearby fisherman, said the birds usually arrive in the morning, flying form eastern Pattaya. He said the bridge area is rich with food for them, but the birds only stay until the tide comes in.

He added he thought if the egrets become a permanent fixture, they could help boost tourism to Naklua.