Factory worker loses arm to plastic crusher

Paramedics rushed Kin Sun to Banglamung for an urgent amputation after her right arm was caught in a plastic-crushing machine at a Nong Plalai factory.
Paramedics rushed Kin Sun to Banglamung for an urgent amputation after her right arm was caught in a plastic-crushing machine at a Nong Plalai factory.

A Burmese laborer lost her right arm when she caught it in a plastic-crushing machine at a Nong Plalai factory.

Kin Sun, 29, was unconscious from pain and shock when paramedics arrived at Theppattanarungreuan Co. July 11. Her right arm was stuck in the machine and torn apart.
Once extracted from the machine, the bones from her hand to elbow were completely crushed and parts of her appendage remained in the machine.

She was rushed to Banglamung for an urgent amputation.

Coworkers said Kin Sun was loading the machine with plastic to be recycled and got her arm stuck.