German expat shoots self dead in Naklua

Martin Hindringer, 75, suffered a single 9mm gunshot through the mouth and head in the Feb. 8 incident in the bathroom of his two-floor luxury condominium on Naklua Soi 15.
Martin Hindringer, 75, suffered a single 9mm gunshot through the mouth and head in the Feb. 8 incident in the bathroom of his condominium on Naklua Soi 15.

A German expat shot himself in an apparent suicide in Naklua.

Martin Hindringer, 75, suffered a single 9 mm. gunshot through the mouth and head in the Feb. 8 incident in the bathroom of his condominium on Naklua Soi 15.

Police recovered a suicide note written in German thanking a caregiver named Yupin.

Friend Rungthim Rodmuang, 48, said he had known Hindringer for 13 years. The German had been a taxi driver back home before retiring to Pattaya. Recently, however, he had been ill, including a bout with tuberculosis.

Hindringer obviously had been planning his death for some time. Rungthim said he accompanied his friend to an undertaker’s office recently and Hindringer told him that if he died he wanted his funeral at Photisampan Temple.

On Saturday he came to take Hindringer to the doctor, but found the door locked and no answer. The landlord obtained a key and they found the German dead.