‘Haunted Dolls’ to roam Ripley’s for Halloween


If those Chucky movies freaked you out, then you’ll want to give Ripley’s Believe It or Not! a miss on Halloween when it fills its Royal Garden Plaza museum with “haunted dolls.”

The public was invited to submit their scariest dolls to the Beach Road attraction and winners of 120,000 baht in prizes will be announced Oct. 31.

Actors act out Halloween - Ripley’s Believe It or Not! invited people to submit their scariest dolls.Actors act out Halloween – Ripley’s Believe It or Not! invited people to submit their scariest dolls.

Ripley’s loves Halloween, of course, and the “Haunted Mansion” operator will host a costume contest with more than 80,000 baht in prizes. For registration, visit RipleysThailand.com.