Helmetless Italian chef killed in Pattaya motorcycle crash

A rescue worker points to the light pole on Jomtien 2nd Road into which the Italian chef crashed his motorbike into, killing him instantly.

A popular Italian pizza chef died when slammed his motorcycle into a lightpole in Pattaya.

Matteo Attianese, 40, died instantly in the 3 a.m. May 11 crash on Jomtien Second Road. A witness reported that Attianese, not wearing a helmet, hit the Second Road curve at high speed, lost control and drove his Yamaha N-Max straight into the pole.

Attianese had come to Pattaya in 2019 to open a pizzeria with another Italian friend. The Brescia, Italy native long had worked at the renowned Cascina dei Sapori by Rezzato by Antonio Pappalardo in his home country.