Here we go again?


New drainage system inadequate for hour-long downpour

An hour of heavy rain Feb 16 showed that Pattaya’s much-ballyhooed installation of new storm-drainage pipelines on Beach Road did little to improve the city’s flooding problem.

Tourists waded through calf-deep water, amazed that Pattaya could flood so badly in such a short amount of time when rain that began around 3:30 p.m. inundated city roads by 4:30.

Three new drainage pipelines at Walking Street, Soi 6/1 and the Dusit Curve, along with pumps installed for 193 million baht proved completely inadequate to deal with the downpour, which dropped 3.6 millimeters of rain.

Flood water along North Pattaya Road was about 50cm-1 meter deep.  Many other areas were also affected.Flood water along North Pattaya Road was about 50cm-1 meter deep.  Many other areas were also affected.

Roads in East Pattaya, such as sois Khao Talo and Khao Noi, turned into rivers flowing down to Sukhumvit Road, added to problems there. Traffic on Soi Nernplabwan and Soi Siam Country Club also ground to a standstill as the water made it dangerous to get around.

The railway road that acts as a bypass was also affected and a good few sections of Sukhumvit were almost impassable, especially the low-lying area near the Highway Department.

Many small streets were flooded with the water that had no means to escape and households and businesses struggled to keep their property dry.

There was little police presence and drivers literally took their lives in their hands trying to get home. Many parents were picking up children from school and had to make the choice of either waiting it out or surfing through a meter of dirty water unsure what was lurking underneath.

In addition to the flooding, many houses were left without electricity for up to eight hours. When the water finally receded, huge potholes were left in their wake.