HHNFT gets grant to expand child-protection card game

Jenjira Thaibandit, representing the Social Development and Human Security Ministry’s Chonburi office director Patwira Suwan, presents a cheque for 172,200 baht to HHNFT Director Radchada Chomjinda and Pirun Noyimjai to expand implementation of its Child Protection Card Game.
Jenjira Thaibandit, representing the Social Development and Human Security Ministry’s Chonburi office director Patwira Suwan, presents a cheque for 172,200 baht to HHNFT Director Radchada Chomjinda and Pirun Noyimjai to expand implementation of its Child Protection Card Game.

The Chonburi office of the Social Development and Human Security Ministry gave 172,200 baht to the Human Help Network Foundation Thailand to expand implementation of its Child Protection Card Game across the province.

The office’s Jenjira Thaibandit, representing office director Patwira Suwan, presented the grant to HHNFT Director Radchada Chomjinda July 15.

The Child Protection Card Game quizzes children about risky scenarios and teaches survival skills in cases where youths find themselves in dangerous situations.

The ministry credited the HHN and its card game with reinforcing skills and youths at risk of being victims of enticement.

The money will go toward expanding the card games use in 30 Chonburi schools this year.