Hi-Lo gamblers harvest a crop of trouble in tapioca field

Pisit Sirisawasdinukul (left) district chief of Banglamung led a raid to dismantle an illicit Hi-Lo gambling den in the middle of a tapioca field in Khao Mai Kaew, east Pattaya.

PATTAYA, Chonburi In a daring raid led by Pisit Sirisawasdinukul, the district chief of Banglamung, on the evening of October 24; authorities successfully dismantled an illicit gambling den nestled in Phu Sai village in Khao Mai Kaew in east Pattaya. The unique location, surrounded by expansive tapioca fields and rugged terrains, added an intriguing twist to the illegal hi-lo gambling activities taking place.

Prompted by multiple complaints from local residents, authorities undertook undercover investigations to validate the existence of the clandestine gambling activities. With evidence in hand, a meticulous plan was devised to apprehend the gamblers red-handed. The operation unfolded in the open expanse, with tapioca plantations as the backdrop. Aware of potential safety hazards, authorities strategically deployed three teams. The first and second teams, approaching from behind and the front, respectively, secured the perimeter. The third team stood as backup support.

The synchronized raid of the primary teams into the gambling den resulted in the swift capture of all 29 persons involved in illegal hi-lo gambling. Attempts by some gamblers to flee were thwarted by effective blockades, leading to their detainment. Among the arrested were 21 men and 8 women, found with a substantial cache of gambling equipment. Confiscated items included hi-lo boards, gaming equipment, dice, chips, and cash ledgers detailing illegal activities dating back to October 12, 2023.

Unsurprisingly, the search of gamblers’ vehicles uncovered a 9mm CZ handgun with bullets, along with knives. Notably, one firearm belonged to a suspended police officer, raising questions about his involvement in the unlawful activities. Legal investigations will follow. The mastermind faces charges for organizing the illegal operation. Seized evidence includes recorded cash transactions and video clips used to prevent cheating.

Currently in custody, all arrested persons will undergo further questioning to ascertain the extent of their involvement. Legal actions will be pursued against those accepting payments for rent, ensuring accountability under the law. The raid not only dismantled an illegal gambling ring but also spotlighted the audacious location chosen for these covert activities.

The synchronized raid into the gambling den resulted in the swift capture of all 29 persons involved in illegal gambling. A substantial cache of gambling equipment many firearms were also found and confiscated as evidence.
