Human Help Network distribute 100 Care bags to poor immigrant workers

HHNFT members distribute care packages to people who need them the most.

With the 3rd wave of Covid-19 hitting Thailand very hard, life for Thai and foreign residents alike, especially the poor, has taken a turn for the worse.

The Human Help Network Foundation (Thailand), whose main mission is to help the underprivileged and suffering with their ongoing relief projects, invited benefactors and volunteers to help prepare 100 Care bags and Learning Kits for distribution to underprivileged children and needy families.

The service project, generously sponsored by Hubert Grevenkamp, was held at the Human Help Network Foundation (Thailand) premises in Pattaya on May 8.

The intended recipients of these care bags were immigrant workers, their families, and the children studying at the ASEAN Education Center under the stewardship of the HHNFT.

The care bags included rice, cooking oil, canned fish, instant noodles, eggs, fish sauce, pasteurized milk and snacks, as well as amenities and hygienic items such as talcum powder, shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, washing powder, sanitary napkins, children’s underwear, face masks and sanitizing gel.

The HHNFT invited benefactors and volunteers to help prepare 100 care bags and learning kits for distribution to underprivileged children and needy families.

A learning kit was also distributed to each child so they can study at home.

The HHN’s ongoing ‘We Help Children’ project is always in need of sponsors and donations. Donations are accepted through the Human Help Network Thailand Foundation, Krungthai Bank, Nernplabwan Branch, Account no. 591-0-04153-3. A certificate of donation is available upon request. Please give them your full name and mailing address.

For additional information, please contact Siromet Akarapongpanitch, tel. 086-661-3666), email: or visit their website: