Jomtien clamps down on disabled parking scofflaws

Selfish drivers parking in handicap zones and blocking wheelchair ramps may well return to find their wheels clamped.
Selfish drivers parking in handicap zones and blocking wheelchair ramps may well return to find their wheels clamped.

PATTAYA – Jomtien municipal officers literally clamped down on motorists illegally parking in handicapped spaces.

Somchai Inruang led officers in clamping wheels and ticketing cars parked in disabled-parking zones along Jomtien Beach Road near Soi 7 March 27.

The move comes after numerous places of able-bodied motorists taking up spaces reserved for the disabled as well as blocking wheelchair ramps.

Some car owners were given warnings, but those leaving their cars in restricted areas for a long time will eventually return to find their wheels locked.