Khao Mai Kaew community isolation center opens near Pattaya

District Chief Wuttisak Singhadecho and Khao Mai Kaew Mayor Jumnien Keeteepakul inspect lodgings at the Khao Mai Kaew Community Isolation center.

The Department of Disease Control reported 21,379 new Covid-19 cases in all of Thailand on August 6. These numbers do not include people who have not been tested and might have mild cases or are suspected of being infected.

National health authorities recommend that the smart thing a person should do is to isolate themselves at home for self-observation for at least 14 days. But if that is not convenient for fear of contaminating other inhabitants of their homes, the person should check into one of the community isolation centers that have been set up all over the country.

Chonburi is branded as one of the extremely hazardous dark-red zones and the risk of a person unwittingly getting infected is extremely high.

To support the DDC’s safety and protection guidelines, Banglamung district is speeding up the process of setting up as many community isolation centers as needed.

The latest isolation center in Banglamung district was opened on August 6 utilising the multi-purpose building belonging to the Khao Mai Kaew sub-district near Pattaya.
Banglamung District Chief Wuttisak Singhadecho officiated at the opening with Jumnien Keeteepakul, Khao Mai Kaew Mayor, municipality officials and citizens of the sub-district in attendance.

The district officers inspect the newly built bathrooms, toilets and washing area.

Wuttisak said that he intends to establish at least one community isolation center in all the sub-districts of Banglamung district to be in a state of readiness to receive ‘green level’ patients who suspect that they might be infected and want to be isolated from their families and friends until such time as they are absolutely certain they are free of any disease.

The Khao Mai Kaew facilities can accommodate up to 50 people equally partitioned for males and females.

Toilets and bathrooms are more than sufficient for the inhabitants. Garbage collection is well organized, and security by guards and CCTV is tight.

An internet WIFI system is also installed for use by the occupants.

Wuttisak warned that Covid-19 in Thailand is spreading uncontrollably and one has to be very careful and protective against it.

“The number of cases in Chonburi and Banglamung is also rising rapidly and we can only bring down the numbers if we are disciplined in the way we conduct our lives. I strongly recommended that everyone must wear a face mask, wash or sanitize their hands often, and maintain physical distancing. You must not travel to risky areas and strictly comply with CCSA’s protective measures.”

He went on to say that, “elderly people and people with one or more of the seven chronic illnesses should get Covid-19 vaccinations as soon as possible, because they belong to the group of people who have the highest risk of getting infected. Even if you don’t go anywhere, you can still get infected because household transmission is rampant.”

He warned that once the elderly get infected, they are in grave danger of getting very sick or even dying.

Banglamung District Chief Wuttisak Singhadecho, Khao Mai Kaew Mayor Jumnien Keeteepakul, and municipality officials pose for a photograph in front of the Khao Mai Kaew Community Isolation Center.

The expansive Khao Mai Kaew community hall can accommodate up to 50 people, equally partitioned for males and females.