King Power presents 800 beach umbrellas


Duty-free retailer King Power donated 800 beach umbrellas to the city for waterfront beautification.

King Power communications director Sukhrudee Pongpatwattana presented the umbrellas to Pattaya Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome and city Councilman Banjong Banthoonprayuk Dec. 18.

The donation was the third this year to be collected by the city to improve the beach’s landscaping. Royal Garden Plaza gave 120 umbrellas to the city in July and, in May, a group of tourism-related businesses made a large donation of beach benches and umbrellas to the city for beachfront beautification.

Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome (3rd left) accepts a donation of beach umbrellas from King Power communications director Sukhrudee Pongpatwattana and King Power management. Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome (3rd left) accepts a donation of beach umbrellas from King Power communications director Sukhrudee Pongpatwattana and King Power management.

“Since King Power’s Pattaya branch opened a year ago, the reception has been good. Therefore, we wanted to return goodness to society through our ‘Share the Shade’ campaign to improve the landscape of Pattaya’s beaches,” Sukhrudee said.

Itthiphol thanked the company for its donation and said the umbrellas will be given to beach vendors to “add to the beauty of the beach.”

As part of the celebration, King Power later made a 300,000 baht to the Pattaya Orphanage.