Korphai prunes trees for late King

Neighborhood President Wirat Joyjinda prunes branches on Soi Samreung.
Neighborhood President Wirat Joyjinda prunes branches on Soi Samreung.

Soi Korphai Community residents “did good for Dad” by pruning trees and picking up broken branches before the cremation of HM the late King Rama IX.

Neighborhood President Wirat Joyjinda led the volunteer effort on Soi Samreung close to Korphai Soi 7 following complaints to the Pattaya Contact Center about broken branches covering the roadway causing a traffic hazard. City hall said the street was too narrow to send in equipment, so the neighborhood cleaned up the mess itself.

Wirat bought a chainsaw for pruning to support the community’s mission for self-sufficiency and as a way to do a good deed in the name of the late monarch.