Laid-off Pattaya hotel staffer starts integrated farm

Parada Putoya feed his fish in Nong Plalai.

A laid-off Pattaya hotel staffer has found a new career farming in Nong Plalai.

Parada Putoya, 34, decided to launch an integrated farm on eight rai owned by his in-laws. A quarter of the land is their home. On the other six rai, he began growing rice and vegetables, raising ducks and chickens for eggs and farming fish.

While 60 percent of the farm is dedicated to rice growing, more time is spent on fish farming for Nile tilapia, climbing perch, snakeskin gourami, and sharp-tooth catfish in both ponds and netted cages.

Parada said the sharp-tooth catfish are better to raise as they grow faster than general catfish. They are fed ground fish and shrimp scraps and vegetables left from the markets. The chickens and ducks also get homemade feed.

The eggs, fish, rice and veggies are sold at outdoor markets at prices cheaper than supermarkets.

Laid-off Pattaya hotel staffer Parada Putoya has found a new career farming in Nong Plalai.

“Ain’t nobody here but us chickens…” Parada feeds his brood ground fish and shrimp scraps, and vegetables left from the markets.