If you’ve left something on a Pattaya Baht Bus, you might be able to get it back.
Tawat Perkboonnak, president of the Pattaya Baht Bus Cooperative, briefed the media Dec. 18 on the group’s long-standing policy to return lost items left on the pickup truck taxis.
He said people regularly leave luggage, wallets, handbags and even appliances on baht buses. If they are found by the driver, the merchandise is taken back to the co-op’s office opposite Photisampan Pittayakarn School in Naklua where efforts are made to track down the owner.
If it’s not possible to identify the owner, their hotel or other contact information, the co-op holds on to the goods for three months.
If you’ve lost something on a baht bus, check the co-op’s offices, Tawat said. It very well may be in the group’s lost-and-found bin.