Life-saving medical equipment donated to Pattaya City Hospital

Generous local benefactors donated five Oxygen High Flow devices, valued at 250,000 baht each, to help Covid-19 patients in Pattaya Hospital.

The Covid-19 pandemic has necessitated hospitals and health care centers to upgrade or purchase new medical equipment capable of curing the hundreds of thousands of patients infected by the virus.

Most of the medical equipment is quite expensive. Thai government hospitals do not have the budget to buy what they need, so medical facilities can only hope to acquire them through generous donations from local businesses and charity organisations.

On August 13, Pattaya Mayor Sonthaya Kunplome, accompanied by Deputy Mayor Manote Nongyai together with Dr. Somkiat Bavornsereepathai – Advisor and Chief of the medical team at Pattaya City Hospital, were on hand to receive five Oxygen High Flow devices valued at a total of 1.25 million baht for use in treating patients with respiratory illnesses.

The Oxygen High Flow devices, valued at 250,000 baht each, were generously donated by Mrs. Samon Nongyai and Miss Saiyan Saisamuth, Core Technology Consultant Co., Ltd., and Pisut Technology Co., Ltd., supported by their friends.

The Oxygen High Flow devices will be used to help Covid-19 patients in Pattaya Hospital.

Mayor Sonthaya thanked the benefactors for their generosity, saying, “During the pandemic, Pattaya City Hospital is playing a vital role in testing and treating the people for the Covid-19. Within a short few months the hospital has had to urgently upgrade the medical facilities in all its aspects, including personnel, medications and equipment.”

The mayor said that Pattaya City Hospital has allocated a ward with 37 beds for treating severely ill Covid-19 patients and plans to increase the number to 50 beds.

He said, “The Oxygen High Flow devices are a vital piece of medical equipment in helping patients to breathe better during their treatment. We need at least four more large oxygen concentrators and seven oxygen high flow devices. We have submitted a requisition for a budget to purchase them but at the same time, welcome donations from both the public and public sector to help us with the funds to buy them.”

Pattaya City Hospital has allocated a ward with 37 beds for treating severely ill Covid-19 patients who need to receive oxygen through high flow devices.

Samon Nongyai donated one device, accepted here by Mayor Sonthaya Kunplome.