Lions take 200 kids to cinema

Lions clubs from four eastern provinces treated 200 autistic and disabled children to lunch and a day at the movies.
Lions clubs from four eastern provinces treated 200 autistic and disabled children to lunch and a day at the movies.

Lions clubs from four eastern provinces treated 200 autistic and disabled children to lunch and a day at the movies.

Thanet Charoenchai, head of Lions Club Area 6, hosted members from areas 7-9 at the Aug. 29 outing for children under the care of the Father Ray Foundation and Karunyawet Foundations for Persons with Disabilities.

The day began with light entertainment by Lions musicians who also showed the kids how to play the instruments. Everyone had lunch and then enjoyed games and a talent show by the kids themselves.

Finally it was off to Major Cineplex at The Avenue galleria for a showing of “Saranae Love You”.

The Lions ended the day by giving both foundations educational materials, books and more.