Local volunteers briefed on tobacco law amendments


Neighborhood-level volunteers were briefed on a new draft version of the Tobacco Control Act by Chonburi’s Public Relations Department.

Province PR officer Thitirath Sriteerawiroj met with her local counterparts May 28 to review the proposed legislation and educate them on the perils of smoking and second-hand smoke.
Yupin Keeratipongpan, a nurse at Phan Thong Hospital, talked about the health detriments from tobacco, particularly among youths, as well as the efforts to keep cigarettes out of the hands of kids.

The proposed amendments to the Tobacco Control Act would extend prohibitions to e-cigarettes and clarify October’s ban on hookah use. Additional language on cigarette packaging also is covered in the draft.

The PR volunteer force was formed to help spread government and public health messages in local neighborhoods in Chonburi.