Luck runs out for Sattahip lottery shrine

The shrine was rebuilt bigger and better after the last time it was destroyed.
The shrine was rebuilt bigger and better after the last time it was destroyed.

First it was demolished, then rebuilt much larger. Now a famed Sattahip shrine where gamblers prayed for lucky lottery numbers has simply disappeared.

The so-called “Gamo Shrine” on Sukhumvit Road, 500 meters from U-Tapao-Rayong-Pattaya Airport, had survived for about 10 years, despite numerous attempts by lottery brokers to burn it down or destroy it.

In October the “lucky” shrine was thought to have met its end. Pieces of the shrine and the dolls and items that adorned it were scattered on the ground Oct. 14. But gamblers rebuilt it.

However, three days before the government’s December lottery draw it was removed. Only scraps were left behind and an empty space where it used to sit under a tree. Even the tree was gone.

Superstitious lotto addicts unsparingly were infuriated.

The shrine’s demise allegedly is linked to recent draws where winning numbers matched the last two digits on the “gamo” banknotes that adorned the shrine.

Gamblers alleged that underground lottery operators – who also use the same numbers drawn by the legal lottery – were angry at losing out to the many people and got rid of the shrine once and for all.

This time, there was nothing left.
This time, there was nothing left.
Gamo notes lottery gamblers use to predict winning numbers.
Gamo notes lottery gamblers use to predict winning numbers.