Mentally ill man climbs pole to get girlfriend’s attention


A mentally disturbed man got his girlfriend’s attention when he climbed an electric pole following an argument.

Authorities were called to Soi 1 in Nong Plalai Aug. 16 upon reports that Wijit Saothong, 32, had climbed a 45-meter-tall poll and was muttering to himself.

Afraid the man would commit suicide or accidentally be electrocuted, they called his girlfriend after their attempts to talk him down failed.

Wijit Saothong climbed an electricity tower and refused to come down. Wijit Saothong climbed an electricity tower and refused to come down.

Wijit’s girlfriend said they both work at a Pattaya hotel, but that he was being treated at Phrapoklao Chantaburi Hospital for a mental ailment. They’d had an argument earlier that day and she’d gone for a drive to cool off. When she returned, she heard he’d climbed a pole in protest.

She first said she’d gone to talk him down, but his stubbornness prompted her to leave. She returned again when called by authorities. This time, she was able to talk him down and the two drove away on her motorbike together.