Mercy Pattaya gives 176,694 baht in scholarships to underprivileged children

Liz Shepherd presents one of the many scholarship cheques and relief bags to Mayor Winai Inpitak for distribution to the needy people in the Nongprue community.

Underprivileged children and inhabitants in and around the Pattaya communities were blessed by the presence of Liz Shepherd and Magdalena Mortela from Mercy Pattaya on June 23, as they presented scholarships to the children to help further their education.

The visitors were welcomed by Winai Inpitak, mayor of Nongprue Subdistrict, government officials and teachers from the community schools.

Forty-nine students ranging from kindergarten to higher education levels received a total of 176,694 baht in scholarship funds.

Mayor Winai said, “A major concern of our community is to care for our children’s wellbeing and education. We are very thankful to both local and international benefactors who help our children with their needs. The Mercy Center Pattaya is a staunch supporter of our community and I wish to thank Liz Shepard for her generosity and love for the children.”

Additionally, the Mercy Center also handed out food and essential amenities to 100 people in the community.

Liz said, “The Mercy Center could not do this charitable work if not for the support of benevolent people in Pattaya and overseas. My heartfelt gratitude to the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya who generously donated a considerable sum raised at their Rotary Charity Music Festivals which helped our scholarship and humanitarian mission tremendously.

Mercy Pattaya presented 176,694 baht in scholarship funds to Pattaya students to further their education.

“Mercy Pattaya is a small but committed Christian organization staffed by missionaries and volunteers,” she said. “Since 2002, Mercy has been making inroads into the lives of the poor in Pattaya, but we need to partner with those, like yourselves, who also want to bring the hope of a new life and a real future for those less blessed in our society.

“We develop projects to help provide educational, moral, life skills and vocational training for poor children and the destitute. Mercy undertakes strategic projects among the poor to help bring about community transformation in Pattaya. We fulfill God’s commands to show mercy as stated in Matthew 25:35-40 and James 1:27: Provide food and water for the hungry & thirsty, clothe the naked, visit and care for widows and orphans, care for the stranger, visit the sick, and visit those in prison.”