Mirth and Music at the Pattaya City Expats Club

(Top left) Morgan Kent who does great impressions of singer Rod Stewart entertains his PCEC audience with his performance of several Rod Stewart songs. (Bottom left) In addition to being a great singer, Morgan Kent is also well known as a comedian. Here he entertains his audience with one of many jokes eliciting much laughter throughout the PCEC meeting. (Right) MC George Wilson presents Morgan Kent with the PCEC’s Certificate of Appreciation for his wonderful and entertaining presentation of jokes and songs.

It has been 4 years since their last appearance, but it was again entertainment at its finest at the Wednesday, August 23, meeting of the Pattaya City Expats Club (PCEC). The guest presenter was Morgan Kent with an able assist from Paul Rosenberg, that brought laughter and song to PCEC members and guests.

Morgan is a cabaret artist, impressionist, singer and comedian. He has performed on all major cruise lines, primarily with his show “Tonite’s the Nite with Rod Stewart”. Paul Rosenberg is a very well-known Pattaya musician who is proficient with guitar, saxophone, drums, and other instruments.

Morgan was born in London and inherited a typical cockney sense of humor. He started out as a session drummer playing on various hit records. He also joined the Wombles with many appearances on top of the pops and did a tour of Australia with them. He began his presentation with several jokes and then skillfully interspersed more as he entertained with 5 Rod Stewart songs. His many jokes about Thai wife/relationships were well received by his audience.

(Inset) Paul Rosenberg provided some instrumental accompaniment for Morgan Kent telling his PCEC audience about his long association with Morgan Kent. (Main photo) MC George Wilson presents Paul Rosenberg with the PCEC’s Certificate of Appreciation for his able participation in the “Jokes and Music” presentation which was enjoyed by all.

He did relay one story about his time with the Wombles. They were appearing on a Christmas show that had many well-known stars including world famous Jack Benny. Morgan said he wanted to meet Jack Benny and joined a queue outside his dressing room. As they waited, an individual went along the line asking each who they were and that many of the other stars were ahead of him. But Jack Benny overhearing him mention he was with the Wombles, said “I love the Wombles,” bring him in. So not only was Morgan able to meet the “great man”, he was also able to spend some time with him chatting about the Wombles.

Club member Roger Fox enjoys taking cruises and monitors the various cruise line offerings for some very good deals. Here, during the Open Forum portion of the PCEC meeting, he invites those interested to join him on an upcoming cruise out of Singapore that is offering balcony rooms at a price not to be missed.

After the presentations were concluded, MC George Wilson brought everyone up to date on upcoming events and conducted the Open Forum portion of the meeting where the audience can ask questions or make comments about Expat living in Thailand, especially Pattaya. To learn more about the PCEC, visit their website at https:/pcec.club.
