‘Missing’ Pattaya boy found sleeping at friend’s house

Mother Thitima Phomtan fainted from stress and a broken heart at the thought of losing her son to drowning at the nearby reservoir.

A panicked Pattaya mother called authorities to look for her “missing” son who was, in fact, sleeping over at a friend’s house.

Thitima Phomtan, 36, called the Sawang Boriboon Thammasathan Foundation Oct. 3 to search for 7-year-old Chiranai “Dream” Riangthong after he didn’t come home.

By morning, relatives and friends were looking everywhere for the wayward boy, who sent rescuers on a wild-goose chase at the Chak Nok Reservoir where she feared he drowned. They searched for two hours without finding any sign he’d been there.

Around nightfall, police called to say they found the boy safe and sound hanging out at his friend’s house where they apparently never thought to check.

Rescuers from the Sawang Boriboon Thammasathan Foundation Oct. 3 searched for 7-year-old Chiranai “Dream” Riangthong after he didn’t come home.

Diver searched the Chak Nok Reservoir for two hours.

Mother and son embrace for the happy reunion.