Monkey business at Sattahip Naval Base


It took a monkey in the road to stop the goings-on at the Sattahip Naval Base.

Sailors called the media after finding at least two simians, one with a damaged tail, sitting in the middle of Sainernmakha Road near the Naval Recruit Training Center and hanging around the Plutaluang Golf Course Aug. 27. A bit nervous about dogs nearby, they were calling out, hoping for monkey-backup.

Enlisted personnel said they were surprised to see monkeys in the area, as it’s busy with commuters, military vehicles and golfers. They assumed the animals were hungry and may have swum from Ped Island, a home for thousands of monkeys who must rely on tourists for handouts of food.

Unfamiliar with Sattahip, the monkeys spent their time looking lost and rummaging in the trash.

This tailless simian spent its time looking lost and rummaging in the trash. This tailless simian spent its time looking lost and rummaging in the trash.

Perhaps his friend, seen near the bag drop area, was looking to play a round of golf. Perhaps his friend, seen near the bag drop area, was looking to play a round of golf.