More motorbikes fished out of Pattaya lake

Sawang Boriboon Thammasathan Foundation volunteers fished wreckage and parts of three motorbikes that thieves had dumped into the Chak Nok Reservoir.

Volunteers fished wreckage and parts of three more motorbikes out of the Chak Nok Reservoir.

Sawang Boriboon Thammasathan Foundation divers, responding to neighbors’ tips, went looking for bodies among the wreckage, but found none.

The foundation then coordinated with police to bring the frames and parts of the bikes up from the four-meter depths.

Police said Chak Nok is a favorite dumping ground for motorbike thieves who strip the bikes of valuable parts and then dump the frames.

A crane hauls the wreckage of a motorbike out of the Chak Nok Reservoir which is a favorite dumping ground for motorbike thieves.