Mother turns drug-abusing son in to police near Pattaya

Jirapak Golf Prayoonsiri was arrested and charged with taking a Type 1narcotic Type 1 (amphetamine).

A Najomtien mother turned her son into police, asking that he be arrested for being a chronic drug addict.

Boontarik Prayoonsiri went to the Najomtien Police Station Sept. 27 to file the report, which she said was a last resort after her son, Jirapak, 28, threatened and stole money from her to buy methamphetamines.

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She said he was delusional and acting maniacal and she feared for her life.

Boontarik said Jirapak has abused drugs since seventh grade and has been arrested multiple times.

Police obliged and took him into custody, then dispatched him to a drug-rehabilitation center, again.

Jirapak admitted he’d been arrested many times and went to rehab four times and it didn’t stick.

Golf allegedly hallucinated during his arrest, with police saying he thought he was a drug agent.