MP candidate bitten by dog after ominous fortune telling


A Democrat Party candidate for parliament who said fortune tellers warned him about an accident was bitten by a stray dog while stumping in Nong Plalai.

Zone 6 candidate Jakkrit Kraimat, 34, suffered a minor bite wound to the leg at Rawiporn Village June 13. He was treated at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya and released.

Kraimat said the random dog attack came after three fortune tellers warned him about an impending accident.

No word on whether the dog was wearing a red collar.

Democrat candidate Jakkrit Kraimat is still optimistic even after suffering a bite from a stray dog in Nong Plalai. Democrat candidate Jakkrit Kraimat is still optimistic even after suffering a bite from a stray dog in Nong Plalai.