Mystery Asian woman plummets from Second Road condo

A tuft of black hair was found next to the crumpled body, which led to speculation it might somehow indicate the fall might not have been voluntary.
A tuft of black hair was found next to the crumpled body, which led to speculation it might somehow indicate the fall might not have been voluntary.

A fair skinned woman, assumed to be Asian, was found dead outside a luxury condo on Pattaya 2nd Road. Police have speculated she either fell or was pushed out off a balcony, but so far have no evidence.

Police also speculated the unnamed woman, believed to be 25-30 years old, was of South Korean origin, but again with no proof.

Kanapong Meela, 39, a security guard at the condo, said he heard a loud thump and discovered the body when he went to investigate. He did not know from which window or balcony she fell.

A tuft of black hair was found next to the crumpled body, which led to even further speculation it might somehow indicate the fall might not have been voluntary.

The hair and body have been taken to the Police Forensic Institute for further investigation.
Police are inspecting CCTV footage for clues.