Najomtien police officer succumbs to self-inflicted gunshot

Pol. Sgt. Maj. Yuthana Pienkan committed suicide Dec. 28.
Pol. Sgt. Maj. Yuthana Pienkan committed suicide Dec. 28.

A Royal Thai Police officer distressed with the state of the world shot himself dead in the Najomtien station.

Pol. Sgt. Maj. Yuthana Pienkan, 30, committed suicide in a break room Dec. 28 with a single gunshot to the head. His 9mm service pistol lay on a pillow next to him.


Yuthana’s Facebook profile didn’t contain a suicide note per se, but contained posts saying he wanted to die. On Nov. 29, he posted a public message reading “the cruel world, pray for everything to go well”.