Naklua apartment landlords were given a month to demolish rooms built illegally on public land.
Pattaya Deputy Mayor Vichien Pongpanit and officials from the city Engineering Department and the Banglamung Land Department a surveyed long, narrow stretch of property in the Baan Huatung Community March 16 following encroachment complaints.
Officials measured the land between Photisan Soi 6 and Soi 8, which is only eight meters wide but hundreds of meters long, that had been taken over by 20 private land owners who built a variety of structures on the property, most of them rental rooms.
The owners and occupants said the apartments have been there for decades and they were unaware the facilities encroached on public land.
All were given a month to modify or demolish the structures so they do not extend onto public property. Anyone who doesn’t comply will have their apartments demolished at their expense.