Naklua residents urge utility-line cleanup, drain repairs


Disorderly utility wires and drainage systems topped the list of complaints from Naklua residents as Pattaya’s Center for Resolution of Complaints continued its series of forums across the city.

City Councilman Urit Nantasurasak and city hall municipal officers chief Maj. Col. Jeerawat Sukhonthazup met with the representatives from 37 community organizations June 3 at the Lan Po Market.

Amongst other complaints, Naklua residents have asked city fathers to replace drainage covers damaged by heavy trucks in the area.Amongst other complaints, Naklua residents have asked city fathers to replace drainage covers damaged by heavy trucks in the area.

In addition to reviewing planned changes for the market – see related story on page 5 – the officials listened to complaints about unruly wires on Naklua sois 3-14. Wires in many places are hanging over rooftops and have damaged lights, residents said.

Neighbors also called for the replacement of drainage covers damaged by heavy trucks and the repair of water pipes on Soi Plub Canal.

Residents also griped about garbage lining the canal and drains emitting foul odors.