Nong Nooch Tropical Garden’s unique lady palm wins Japanese certification


Pattaya’s Nong Nooch Tropical Garden has become Thailand’s only certified cultivator of a Japanese lady palm variety.

Kosuke Inukai, president of the Japan Lady Palm Association, presented the honor for the garden’s “Tansachahime” palm to Director Kampol Tansajja Feb. 29.

Inukai said the certification of the new type of lady palm, Tansachahime, was given by the organization as it was unique among the existing 132 varieties of palm around the world.

Nong Nooch Tropical Garden Director Kampol Tansajja receives certification from Kosuke Inukai, president of the Japan Lady Palm Association.

The plant has white leaves with equally sized green stripes covering the whole leaf. It was expected that within a couple years, Thailand’s version of the lady palm of Thailand will be ranked internationally among the best.

Kampol said that he was honored and proud to receive the association’s approval and accepted membership into the group, making Nong Nooch the Japanese organization’s only Thai member.

The garden has spent 15 years collecting and planting 92 lady palms from 132 lady palms across the world and the effort paid off and created a good reputation for Thailand, he said.